Thursday, May 28, 2015

Last Task-- Celebration!

Last stuff! Here is a link to the video of the district celebration and the speeches-- especially awesome is our own Gabi Tellez-- of course!
District AVID  celebration 2015

Here is a copy of the instructions for the final essay for this class. I am so proud and excited as we finish up a really great year and your career in high school and in AVID.
Essays are DUE Monday, June 1st so that I can get them graded in time for graduation.

Final Exam, Semester 2

For a final assessment of your accomplishments in AVID class, I would like you to write me a paper that reflects on your experience in high school and in AVID and is insightful, thought provoking and, absolutely and without question, well-written and thoroughly proofread and edited. This paper should be a lot like a lot of papers you will write in you freshman year of college: three to four pages in length (double spaced, one-inch margins) and displaying a college level mastery of academic tone and organization.

Prompt: You can reflect on any particular aspect of your experience in high school and/or AVID that sticks with you, but I suggest that one way to organize your thoughts might be to create an original metaphor for your experience and build the essay around that.  Another way to go is chronological—but that tends to turn into a less than inspiring catalog of your grades in different years, etc., that doesn’t offer you the best framework for really exploring your thoughts and feelings about your experience.
Hint: Please use an ORIGINAL metaphor—do not talk about how life is like a baseball game or how love is a rose or how the USA is like a salad bowl. Maybe AVID is a pickle? A new pair of shoes? Maybe high school is circus, a spice rack—whatever. Be original!

Another good way to go is to focus on a particular event or activity that you are involved with and focus on that—expand and explain how it is a good way to talk about how much you have learned or grown or changed or focused your energies over the last four years. EXAMPLE: A sport or a class you love: going from learning and improving to teaching and coaching little kids—use that as a tool to talk about growing up and your school/AVID experience. EXAMPLE: How do you spend your lunch time and what does that say about how you have changed over the years—maybe lunch periods can tell about a lot of things in your high school/AVID experience—maybe not!

Hint: Be sincere and original—be yourself and give yourself enough time to write and revise and edit and express your true voice. Do NOT write a formula essay!
Mrs. Eddy

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