Thursday, February 26, 2015

New Paths and Scholarships to Explore

Guest speaker this Friday, Feb. 27th. 

Brant Minor from NW Marketing and events 

Please don't be late to class!
Also, if you haven't signed up for the Student Paths website in your English class and taken a look at the scholarship stuff, please do so from any computer or your phone. Our English department does get a small stipend ($1.50) for every student that signs up and goes through the assessment (about a five or ten minute commitment of time). We will use the money to buy books, of course.  More information:
Three Steps to Life After High School:
Here is a site associated with a grant form Western Oregon University and designed to find out what students like you are interested in as far as opportunities after high school. Colleges really want to know what you want so that they can offer it to you. Your information will not be used for marketing or other nefarious purposes, and the site really does offer a lot of great information from students like yourself as well as links to university and scholarship sites.

1- Watch this very short video:

2-Please go to this site to register and take the short assessment :

Explore and use the site whenever you wish--I hope you find it helpful.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

videos in defense of debating skills

Debate gone wrong

Here is a more civil form of argument--about how we should argue! Follow this speaker's argument-- Should you take notes?

Essential Question: What is Michael Sandel trying to convince us to do, and how does he structure his argument? 
We will write a short reaction/reflection paper after we watch/take notes.

Why We Should Debate: The Lost Art of Democratic Debate

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Philosophical Chairs Topic Assignment

Here are the instructions as well as an example of the assignment you must complete-- We should have lively and engaging debates/discussions with the topics you choose--thanks!
Mrs. E
AVID Topic for Debate Assignment

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Friday, February 13th Instructions and Practice Tests

Today: You may work on assignments from your other classes OR use the time to take practice tests.
You may NOT simply choose to chat and/or play computer/phone games--thank you, guys. Have a great long weekend!
Mrs. E

Please go to the following sites and take the practice tests.  Remember, you will be required to complete the Compass test either on Feb. 20th, with the rest of us, or on your own BEFORE the end of February. The practice REALLY helps!
Mrs. Eddy

Compass Reading Test (.pdf format--answers in the back).

Online Compass Reading Test (you can check each answer as you go)

Link From Chemeketa's site to practice sample questions in all areas (reading, writing, math): Sample Questions

Oakland CC Practice Math Questions  and  Answers

Rules about what kid of calculators are allowed at the testing site.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Motivation to Finish Well-- together!

We will work on some skills we need in college courses this week while we take a look at what it takes to get ourselves going when we lack the energy or drive to do so. If you were absent on Monday, please complete the following critical reading exercise-- thanks!
Monday's Assignment
Here is the second part--
 writing about motivation-- you can do it on the same piece fo paper:
1- view the video here and think about the ideas: finishing together news article
2- Journal Style reflection writing:
EQ: What is motivation and how does it connect to you personally?

Write for three minutes as you consider this question—journal style write: sentences that come naturally from your thoughts—not any extra worry about correctness—but be as correct as you have the skills for being.