Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Today we go to the computers to complete OSAC AND any requirements of scholarship app. you started on finals day (essays or short answers or requests for letters of recommendation).  If you need a scholarship to apply for and were not eligible to complete the OSAC-- here is one for you to do instead:

Scholarship for students NOT filing the FAFSA or OSAC

If you complete the OSAC, your name will show up on a list in the counselor's office and I will be able to look it up for your grade-- and the new registrar will make sure that OSAC gets your transcript, including your semester seven grades--YES!
NOTE: I feel like I need to remind you that you must do your best writing on these applications-- too short or improperly executed responses are not acceptable-- thanks!
Mrs. E

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Reflection Time!

Here's what we did in class today-- please make it up right away if you were absent-- thanks!
Mrs. E

The Empire Strikes Back! (Great sound Effects for Writing!)

Write a full page reflection on your grades—yes, last semester, but also in general.  Hook up your ideas to your plans and schemes and hopes and dreams for the future. Yes, this next semester, but also for the big, bright future you have waiting for you!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Semester End Check Off!

Please make sure you have everything on your AVID checklist from the beginning of the year finished EXCEPT the College Portfolio (we did not do this yet) and the AVID Senior Data (we will do this at the end of the year).
I will hand around a form to fill out this week and next so that I can give you an amazing grade for finishing these tasks.

Final Exam Choices:
Option #1 Socratic Seminar followed by a reflection paper. We would have to start on Tuesday and continue on Thursday (our final day) to get finished-- but the main part of your grade would be the quality of your written reflection with "A" grades available for participating respectfully and thoughtfully and encouraging participation of others through courtesy and respectful questioning..
Option #2: Complete and submit a scholarship application(s) during the final exam time. I will supply the application(s).