Register for May 10th from this site: Habitat Site
1) HIt the big, square "register" button to Register.
2) Fill
out the form completely. For “Group/Team” select NONE, as they haven’t added us
to this screen yet. “Referral
source”=Mrs. Evans/WSHS
3) Click
Register. It will take you to the top of the same page and, highlighted in
BLUE, it will say “Click here” to continue.
4) At
the TOP of this page will be the MONTHS of the year. Click on the appropriate month (April or May) for your club. Scroll
down to the correct date (see top of this page) and it will give you a West
Salem link. Click that, then select the BOX that is at the top for the shift
(8am-12pm) and Update your registration.
Print your confirmation page as verification
for your Club Advisor to keep.
6) See
the site, your Club Advisor (Mrs. Eddy) or Mrs. Evans (B225) to get a copy of the waiver you must sign. Make sure your parents know you are participating. Their signature is
required if you are still under 18 on the day of the activity.