Friday, February 21, 2014

Be sure to get your AVID: (SASA) Scholarship essay ready by the time class starts on Monday

This scholarship application is due on Monday, no extensions-- real life here. You need t olist your extra-curriculars n the form and attach the essay AND a copy of your transcript.
Here is a link to the form you need to complete-- Just leave the administrator part blank--

Posting grades by Monday-- many of you are missing items from the previous posts-- running out of time!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Eddy

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Where is the money? Essay Time!

Be sure to complete the 500 word essay required to apply for the scholarship that the SK Administrators are offering to an AVID student. Due: Friday, Feb. 21st
ALSO-- by the end of this month (which day is that?)-- one more college scholarship application on line-- show me the money!