Wednesday, September 25, 2013

PEP and Speakers

We will get more training on the PEP completion on Thursday, and we have guest speakers on Friday.
Here is the sheet you need to prepare for Friday: Guest Speaker Worksheet
FINAL CALL: SAT Registration must be done-- print out your entrance ticket and bring tit to class-Thursday-tomorrow--fore sure---thanks!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

SAT, Binders, Community Service

WE got everyone on track to sign up for the SAT-- if you are still fighting the computer program, please go here and follow the directions on PAGE FOUR to register by mail:
Each group in class needs to complete a proposal for community service.  Here are the requirements: CS Proposals--
Community Service Proposals:
Must include: The need you have identified, who you will need to contact/consult with in order to arrange participation/fund transfers, and details that explain what you are going to do: how many people you need, etc.




Also-- we will continue binder checks tomorrow as we got clogged up with other business today.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SAT and Essay Questions

Please finish the admissions questions we were working on today-- see links in the previous posts or use the hard copies I gave you.
ALSO: Register for the SAT by Friday for credit-- if you are having troubles, please contact me right away. I will have Mrs. Mangan come in and offer waivers this week-- going to college soon---YES!
Sign ups for the game at Sprague: helping with the freshman AVID BBQ: let me know if you still want to sign up by Wednesday.

Friday, September 13, 2013

NHS news plus binders

We will check binders next Thursday, Sept 19th
Monday we will talk more about community service possibilities and we will work on our writing for college essay practice: Drafts of the four questions from OSU are due Tuesday at the start of class.

This will look great on your academic resume!  Apply if you are eligible! 
National Honor Society Fall Applications are available on the school web page.  Sophomores, juniors and seniors are all eligible for application.  Applications for Fall induction are due by Monday September 23rd.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Essay Awareness

We are working on the Written Experiential Assessment as a way to worm up for our larger college entrance essays.
Here is the link to the questions: 1- Choose two from the first four questions to complete 2- Do BOTH # 5 and #6.
Here is the list of things to think about as you write.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lots of papers and grades

WE are working on understanding our transcripts and getting ready for the SAT test-- take or re-take.
Here is a list of the items you should have received:
Your Transcript
Academic GPA calculator page
Article: What is a Good Score on the SAT
Senior Year Checklist

The writing assignment we did today is a way to get ready for the college essay-- You were to answer TWO of the first four questions on the OSU, "Insight Resume," which is their written entrance requirement.
Link to Insight Resume
Tips for Writing Well from College Essay Readers
Turn in a first draft of the answer to two of the first four questions-- 100 words each (a few less is okay, a few more is not).

Friday, September 6, 2013

Great Beginnings!

I am glad you are all back, and I am excited about your college dreams coming true.  Here is a link to the GPA calculator and some other cool information, and we will work more with your transcripts on Monda--
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Eddy

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome Back!

Last year before college--very exciting!

Important Links:
SAT Registration
Cornell Notes

I am sooooo excited to get going and hear about your college plans and dreams.  I promise that we will do everything we can here in class to get you ready and find a way for your dream to come true. 

This page is the place to check in if you have missed a day, lost a handout, forgotten your notes, or just want to check in and make sure you have everything done. I will do my best to update twice a week, and I really appreciate it if you let me know right away if a link is not working or you have other troubles navigating this site. You or your parents can sign up to follow the site so that you will know when a new post is available. Please check in here before you email me about missing class or ask about missing work--thanks!
 Email me: